23 August 2010

Discipleship Part 3: Lead in Truth

1 Corinthians 16:13

Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.

Our call to make disciples is not just for the benefit of bringing others to a salvational relationship with Jesus. While this is the great commission, to make disciples of all the earth, the rewards are double (for those who are sharing as much as those who are receiving). We are blessed as much to put forth the effort to make disciples as much as they are blessed by hearing God’s good news for them, and the doctrine that God has put forward in His Word. But therein lies the focal point doesn’t it? If what we are sharing is not God’s Word – is not Truth, than what are we doing?

In this third installment on the making of disciples I bring up the point of truth. We might be the best at leading by example. We may also be fantastic communicators or orators of unrivaled skill. But if we are not teaching the truth of what God has said through His Holy Word, and if we are not leading by example in a way that communicates that truth, than our work worse than nothing; it is a profit to the enemy.

For the post-modern thinker, truth is a relative term. In other words, what’s right for you is not what’s right for me. Something that is wrong in my culture or society may be perfectly acceptable in a society somewhere else. In doing so what we have done is removed the truth of God’s word being perfect, absolute, and the same yesterday today and forever, and allow man to become our own god, deciding in our own hearts what is right and wrong.

I know I have stated before that while there may not be a line item answer for ever every question you have in life as to whether that action is right or wrong; no biblical passage for example that says, “Thou shall not spend too much time on the Wi”, there is, in the balance of scripture- the whole council of God, enough information there to give you God’s character on every situation possible. Remembering love, grace and an affront towards legalism, we can answer every situation in life that comes up with a Godly response that pleases and glorifies Him. However, if our foundation is not in truth gained from the uncompromised Word of scripture, than our foundation is on sand, and whatever we build will fall. Including the lives of those we are hoping to disciple to Christ.

Truth is truth. That’s why they call it “truth”. It is absolute, it is unchangeable, and it is spoken to us in scripture. We must remember that God’s word is good for reproof, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim. 3:16). Use truth to the glory of God, never to the detriment of grace, and never in any way other than in love (Ephesians 4:15). A teacher is of no value to a disciple if what he is being taught is not true. We all need to place so much value on the truth that we are afraid to speak if we think we might be sharing something that might lead one astray. Remember, it’s OK to say, “I don’t know”, as long as it is followed by, “but I’ll find out!”

A spirit of truth is a spirit that desires to know more. A spirit of truth is a spirit that desires to learn more. A spirit of truth is a spirit that is not satisfied with a knowledge that is less than assuring, less than confident, or a heart whose fire burning within can only be quenched by knowing God more closely and more intimately than ever before thought possible.

Standing firm in the truth should not be intimidating, it should be empowering. You have the truth. The truth has set you free. Go free others by using these principles to be better mentors and leaders. Free them by teaching, leading by example, and being firm on the truth of God.

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